Monday, May 3, 2010

I've been a slacker :(

I currently have a very unhappy boy crying in his crib! He kept showing me signs that he was tired, so I tried to put him down for a quick nap. No such luck.
I’ve kind of slacked the last week with so much, yet so little going on all at the same time. We had a GREAT weekend last weekend with the rugby playoffs and a visit from Nana! Oh how much fun Caden and her had.. it was a treat to watch! Visits are too few and far between, we’ll have to work on that
On Friday the 23rd, we had Caden’s 4 month check up. I’m happy to announce that he is 24.5 inches long and 12lbs 4oz now. He is in the third percentile for babies, however small he may be though, the doctor is thrilled with how well he is growing. He told us a couple times how good of a job we must be doing to have such a happy, sweet and beautiful baby!! We are very lucky, Caden makes it pretty easy on us I think. <3
So Saturday we spent the day at the pitch all day and we were blessed with much nicer weather than we were expecting. We all got some much needed sunshine! The Renegades demolished Vancouver 53-0 (I think.. lol) YEAAH!!! We checked into the hotel later that night and it was really nice. They did great renovations to it. The social that night was in the dome connected to the hotel…BBQ, karaoke, drinks and a whole lot of throwing people into the pool. haha good fun! We moved the party to the Horse and Cow and tore it up. We had a blasty blast partying it up with those who came out from other teams but mostly hanging out with the Seattle Quake. Love those boys!!
Sunday Funday was also a recovery day. haha I layed on the sidelines for the match against The Quake. We did not win that one… It was another nice day though, so no complaints here! The day could have ended about 4 hours earlier than it did, IMO. It was nice to come home and spend the night with Brian’s Mom, even though I passed out during the movie! I’m lame. lol
OK so this past week, what has been going on with the boy???!! Hmmmmm well the little mister LOVES LOVES LOVES his feet now. He entertains himself by holding on to his toes and staring at his feet. Its really amazing the changes you get to watch from day to day.
I screamed for Brian to come into the bedroom the other night, as I was doing our nightly “baby massage” and getting Caden ready for bed the little bugger was having a blast and laughing away and talking up a storm. ”AHHH booo, ahhhh booo” He says this a lot but its then that he bagan to make the razzing noises on his own! It was the cutest thing. So bed time got pushed back a little, lol so we could all play a little longer.
Well I will add some more later. I just went in and checked on the little man and he has flipped himself over and looks so cute.. he is sleeping on his tummy, head resting on one arm.

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