Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rolling, rolling, rolling

I had this idea to start blogging so that we could have friends and family read updates on Caden and our lives at their own choice, rather than spamming facebook every time our dear boy does something one of us deems cool. Unfortunately I am starting this a little late. Better late than never though, I guess! :)

Caden can officially roll over from his belly to his back. I am pretty sure its only to the left right now and he is very close to rolling from his back to his tummy. I am giving him a week..TOPS! He LOVES tummy time now, which is a big improvement from less than a month ago. He laughs and squeels with delight when he looks at himself in the mirror on his playmat or bats the toys I put in from of him.

He likes to spend up to 20 minutes at a time in his excersaucer. He is still a little small for it but he has a blast. There is a motion sensored toy on there that plays music so when he gets excited and jumps a little he can set that off which gets him laughing. He likes to watch the toys that dangle in front of him but can’t quite reach them yet.

Caden made it apparent to me the other day while watching the hockey game that he likes “House of Pain” when he heard “jump around” he started laughing. I then put some on for him and we had a great time laughing and dancing. I can put him in his bumbo and play him songs from the “House of Pain” pandora channel (which include old Dr. Dre, Eminem, Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill, Snoop, etc..) and I am convinced he loves it.. I sing to him the lyrics that I know and we laugh a bunch.

Since starting Caden sleeping in his crib, I started his bath tub routine at 7pm and in bed by 7:30ish.. he quickly altered that schedule to bath time at 6pm. We are trying to sleep train a little right now and trying to get him to go to sleep a little later. We’re at 8pm right now and he is normally dead tired by that time. We’ve had a couple great nights of 8+ hours of sleep at a time. We’ve also had a couple nights as of late where dear sweet Caden would wake up every two hours. Teething babies are a joy. haha. We have no visual evidence of a cutting tooth but he’s demonstrating most tell tale signs.

I will keep updating this as often as I can and as often as something new and exciting happens. Caden has been napping in his swing for the last 3 hrs (Oh my!!) and I’ve had the chance to work out, eat lunch, write this and now it’s time to try and squeeze in a shower.


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